Religion & Misconceptions

Scary topic isn’t it? I was talking to some friends recently, and decided to post my views on here. I am not at any point saying that my views are right and others are wrong, simply stating what I believe.

From a young age we are taught that there are many religions in the world and that there is only “one” that  leads down the right path. We are taught to look upon the people who believe in things differently than us as wrong.

People who don’t know about Christianity mix it up with Catholicism and the Jehovah’s witnesses, and in the end with all their views it gives the simple, good Christians a bad name. People start looking at them as if all they do is, try to force their views down other people’s throats when that is not true.

Same goes for Muslims. You say something like;

I have Muslim friends.

And, straight away someone pipes up;

why are you friends with terrorists and suicide bombers.

There is a branch of a religion, known as extremists who give the others a bad name, and that is a horrible cross to bare for the rest.

We aren’t all that different, we have our own beliefs. The way I see it;

There is only “one” God in the Universe and each religion belongs to him, be he called Buddha, Allah, Jehovah, or Jesus.

I think that there is an infinite space in the universe for every heaven and hell, and each person who follows a specific religion will go to theirs.

And I think that as long as a person is Kind, Honest, loving, and tries to help people who are worse of than him, is a good person with a beautiful soul and should be respected no matter where they come from and what they believe in…

This has weighed down in my chest for a long time.
The world these days is becoming a war zone between religions.
No one trust anyone, and we are now living in fear of extremists…

I pray that one day soon we will find peace in the Equality & Diversity of this world and that we learn to accept each other.


I’m going to say it….
We all know that humans make ‘bad’ decisions.
There is no one alive who hasn’t done it.
So, why do you judge people so harshly?
Especially when they are your friends and family.
You’ve done something yourself.

But then again;
It’s so much easier to see another persons faults.

I loathe people who look at a someone, not knowing anything about them, their lives, situations, mental state and just open their mouths because they want to make themselves feel better…

Why are there human beings who thrive when others are miserable because of them?
One could argue that it is due to their own complexes, their flaws. They are miserable and so they want others to feel the same.

But again…I have to ask why?

The way I judge and see people who have made bad decisions:

You have made a mistake, as your friend and fellow human being I will tell you so. Then, I will sit and listen while you cry and moan about it. Why? Because I am your friend and I care. No matter how bad your mistake is I am not going to leave…I will always forgive you.

Even after saying this, it does not mean I will let someone walk all over me, oh no if someone tries to wipe their feet as if I’m a doormat I will turn around and without a second of a doubt walk away.

There is a big difference between someone who is using you and someone who has made a mistake and is sorry.

I have made plenty of mistakes, and I’ve been judged by so many people, who for a long period had me under their control. I didn’t know how to cope. I was sorry, in pain and ashamed of my own flaws.

Then, I realized.

They have NO right to judge me, and I shouldn’t feel bad because of them.

As Eleanor Roosevelt once said:

No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.

You know what? she was right.
I have learned to love myself and no one can hurt me. Not even the people who want to the most.

I would also like you all to just remember.

Don’t judge. Be there for the people around you, even if you don’t know it,  you could be, that one link in their chain, that doesn’t break and keeps them from falling apart, and making that final mistake.


I wrote this a while ago, this was my second attempt at poetry, I don’t think it worked out as I had planned but, oh well I have decided to be confident and share. I will post my third attempt tomorrow.

..And as I sat there on my bed,
Thinking ’bout the things they said.
My smile soft, yet pained within.

I only wish that one day soon,
They know their lies that hurt me deep,
Won’t make me lose a nights of sleep.

I will triumph over all,
The sorrow,
And lies that follow.

I’m not alone ’cause I’ve got faith,
That God is with me through the pain.
I feel his love,
And none can take,
That loving embrace away from me.